User Instructions

Work in Progress

All contents and functions of the virtual research environment are work in progress. Not only will new data sets continue to be recorded, but existing ones will also be successively expanded and related to each other in terms of content. Working in and on a live system sometimes reveals intermediate steps that do not reflect the final state.

Citation note

Please cite with the date of retrieval as follows: Virtual Research Network Albrecht Dürer, Heidelberg:, 2020ff. DOI: (DD.MM.YYYY)
A citation link for the citation of the individual work records is in preparation.


Illustrations are not available for every work respectively impression, but we always link to the presentation of the institution holding the respective print.

Search tips

The page "Works" offers an introduction to all works recorded so far.
The results can be adjusted via a full text search and the filter function "Objekttyp".

Browsing provides an overview of the categories "Works", "Sources", "Literature", "Persons" and "Institutions" using an alphabetical list.
The results can be adjusted via a full text search.

A full-text search can be used to search the data records.
After entering a search term, the results can be narrowed down to the following categories in a first step: "Ausführung (Exemplare)", "Institution", "Literatur", "Person", "Quelle", "Verkaufsereignis" and "Werk". Once one of the categories has been selected, the results can be narrowed down using further filter criteria.

Further planned

Both contents and the technical and visual implementation will be further developed during the project. This includes, among other things:

  • the documentation of works of art, textual sources, persons, institutions/collections, sales events etc.
  • versioning and ensuring citability of the data sets
  • optimisation of the search functions and the visual user interface
  • transcriptions and TEI-supported mark-up of the sources and their publication (incl. the transcription guidelines)