Hauptmann, H. 1936- 2018. (2003). Eine frühneolithische Kultfigur aus Urfa. In Köyden Kente : Yakindoğu’da İlk Yerleşimler. From village to cities. Early Villages in the Near East.Ufuk Esin’e Armağan. Studies presented to Ufuk Esin. 1. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlari.

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Hauptmann, H. 1936- 2018. (2003). Eine frühneolithische Kultfigur aus Urfa. In Köyden Kente : Yakindoğu’da İlk Yerleşimler. From village to cities. Early Villages in the Near East.Ufuk Esin’e Armağan. Studies presented to Ufuk Esin. 1. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlari.

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Hauptmann, Harald