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Name (Ort)
Liegt in

Ausbildungsort von

Jorns, Werner
Andreae, Wilhelm
Bickell, Gustav Wilhelm Hugo
Allchin, Bridget
Ashbee, Paul
Strong, Eugénie Sellers
Newberry, Percy E.
Lieblein, Jens
Rolleston, George
Murray, Margaret Alice
Stephens, George
Simpson, Mary Grace
Robertson, Anne Strachan
Wilkes, John Joseph
Lampros, Spyridōn Paulos
Oakley, Kenneth Page
Crowfoot, Elisabeth
Brown, Gerard Baldwin
Karagiōrgēs (Karageorghis), Basos
Dölker, Helmut
Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta
Homeyer, Helene
Lorenzo, José Luis
Dalton, Ormond Maddock
Lubbock, John
Segerstedt, Torgny Torgnysson
Tait, Hugh
Neumann, Gerhard
Skutil, Josef
Cole, Sonia
Shorer, Peter H. T.
Vaccano, Freya Wrede von
Guido, Margaret
Mellaart, James
Stevenson, Robert B. K.
Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
Vermeule, Cornelius C.
Cruso Hencken, Thalassa
Hackett (geb. Kendall), Olwen
Cambitoglou, Alexander
Butler, J. J.

Abschluss-Ort von

Allchin, Bridget
Rolleston, George
Simpson, Mary Grace
Kent, John Philip Cozens
Robertson, Anne Strachan
Wilkes, John Joseph
Levy, Gertrude Rachel
Oakley, Kenneth Page
Karagiōrgēs (Karageorghis), Basos
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
Cleere, Henry
Piggott, Stuart
Tait, Hugh
Case, Humphrey J.
Lyne, Malcolm
Vermeule, Cornelius C.
Hackett (geb. Kendall), Olwen
Cambitoglou, Alexander
Butler, J. J.

Arbeitsort von

Wagner, Ernst
Gerning, Johann Isaak Freiherr von
Price, Jennifer
Skutsch, Otto
Lamprey, John H.
Lubbock, John
Franks, Augustus Wollaston
Beddoe, John
Ashbee, Paul
Strong, Sandford Arthur
Flower, William Henry
Newberry, Percy E.
Beck, Ludwig
Hillman, Gordon C.
Woodward, Henry
Plenderleith, Harold
Brailsford, John William
Evans, John
Lyell, Charles
Jones, T. Rupert
Lathbury Millington, Maria
Tildesley, Miriam Louise
Smith, Arthur Hamilton
Sulimirski, Tadeusz
Murray, Margaret Alice
Charlesworth, Dorothy
Kent, John Philip Cozens
Morris, John
Wilkes, John Joseph
Thompson, Edward Arthur
Allen, Derek Fortrose
Jahn, Ulrich
Gardner, Percy
Levy, Gertrude Rachel
Smith, Cecil Harcourt
Mallowan, Max Edgar Lucien
Thompson, Reginald Campbell
Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias von
Brendel, Otto Johannes
Oakley, Kenneth Page
Birch, Samuel
Crowfoot, Elisabeth
Hawkes, Christopher F. C.
Childe, Vere Gordon
Dölker, Helmut
Kendrick, Thomas Downing
Zeuner, Frederick Everard
Baumgartel, Elise Jenny
Ehrenberg, Victor
Schwarz-Senborn, Wilhelm von
Cole, Henry
Homeyer, Helene
Bruce-Mitford, Rupert Leo Scott
Tait, Hugh
Longworth, Ian H.
Beckwith, John Gordon
Burrows, Ronald M.
Cleere, Henry
Buchthal, Hugo
Griffith, Francis Ll.
Dalton, Ormond Maddock
Maryon, Herbert
Schwabacher, Willy
Smith, Charles Roach
Smith, Reginald A.
Kenyon, Kathleen M.
Kenyon, Frederic George
Schütz, Wilhelm Wolfgang
Shorer, Peter H. T.
Carson, Robert
Cole, Sonia
Walker, John
Werner, Alfred Emil Anthony
Painter, Kenneth S.
Cook, Norman
Harden, Donald B.
Evans, John Davies
Rawson, Philip S.
Edwards, Iorwerth E. S.
Manning, William Harry
Barnett, Richard David
Mellaart, James
Barnett, Lionel David
Cowen, John David
Hartley, Elizabeth
Edwards, Edward
Wilson, David M.
Charleston, Robert J.
Rice, David Talbot
Waterman, Dudley
Winter, Carl
Hencken, Hugh O'Neill
Cruso Hencken, Thalassa
Coulthard, Gina
Kitzinger, Ernst
Ettinghausen, Richard
Hackett (geb. Kendall), Olwen
Megaw, John Vincent Stanley
Rehren, Thilo

Ort der Forschung von

Plenderleith, Harold
Bieber, Margarete
Birch, Samuel
Kerkhof, Karl
Birley, Eric Barff
Anati, Emmanuel
Amrein, Wilhelm
Maryon, Herbert

Ort einer topographischen Beziehung von

Dawkins, William Boyd
Charlesworth, Dorothy
Allen, Derek Fortrose
Birch, Samuel
Hawkes, Christopher F. C.
Kendrick, Thomas Downing
Baumgartel, Elise Jenny
Lorenzo, José Luis
Dalton, Ormond Maddock
Saxl, Fritz
Tait, Hugh
Skutil, Josef
Shorer, Peter H. T.
Cowen, John David
Cole, Sonia
Werner, Alfred Emil Anthony
Cambitoglou, Alexander
Butler, J. J.

Ort einer Gründung vorgenommen von

Hunt, James
Stainton, Henry T.
Akerman, John Yonge
Birch, Samuel
Gettens, Rutherford John
Saxl, Fritz
Smith, Charles Roach
Tait, Hugh
Kenyon, Kathleen M.
Cook, Norman
Hackett (geb. Kendall), Olwen

Geburtsort von

Hawkes, Christopher F. C.
Akerman, John Yonge
Radford, Courtenay Arthur Ralegh
Maryon, Herbert
Bruce-Mitford, Rupert Leo Scott
Megaw, John Vincent Stanley
Fox, Aileen Mary Henderson
Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford
Petrie, William M. Flinders
Ward-Perkins, John Bryan
Kemble, John Mitchell
Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta
Brown, Gerard Baldwin
Lubbock, John
Allchin, F. Raymond
Biddle, Martin
Richmond, Ernest Tatham
Carter, Howard
Cole, Sonia
Garrod, Dorothy
Clarke, Hyde
Mallowan, Max Edgar Lucien
Spottiswoode, William
Tylor, Edward Burnett
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Woolley, Sir Charles Leonard
Strong, Eugénie Sellers
Strong, Sandford Arthur
Toynbee, Jocelyn M. C.
Newberry, Percy E.
Prestwich, Joseph
Chaffers, William
Bohn, Henry George
Brady, Antonio
Flower, John Wickham
Gatty, Charles Henry
Jones, T. Rupert
Nadaillac, Jean-François-Albert du Pouget de
Spurrell, Flaxman C. J.
Stainton, Henry T.
Lamb, Winifred
Johnston-Lavis, Henry James
Phillips, Tracy
Dawson, George
Dufour-Feronce, Albert
Bosanquet, Robert Carr
Creswell, Keppel A. C.
Gardner, Percy
Thompson, Reginald Campbell
Viktoria, Deutsches Reich, Kaiserin
Rivet, Albert Lionel Frederick
Birch, Samuel
Charles III., Großbritannien, König
Pare, Christopher
Sherwin-White, Adrian N.
Crawford, Michael H.
Wylie, William Michael
Kenyon, Kathleen M.
Kenyon, Frederic George
Liversidge, Joan
Hall, Edward Thomas
Edwards, Iorwerth E. S.
Mellaart, James
Caton-Thompson, Gertrude
Cruso Hencken, Thalassa

Sterbeort von

Barb, Alphons Augustinus
Saxl, Fritz
Harden, Donald B.
Skutsch, Otto
Petrie, Hilda
Yates, James
Lyell, Charles
Carter, Howard
Dąbrowski, Krzysztof
Engels, Friedrich
Fergusson, James
Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett
Busk, George
Clarke, Hyde
Franks, Augustus Wollaston
Howorth, Henry H.
Marx, Karl
Stokes, Whitley
Spottiswoode, William
Flower, William Henry
Stukeley, William
Sulimirski, Tadeusz
Wheeler, Mortimer
Woolley, Sir Charles Leonard
Strong, Sandford Arthur
Zeuner, Frederick Everard
Blackmore, William
Crawfurd, John
Szpidbaum, Henryk
Bohn, Henry George
Brady, Antonio
Buckle, George
Murchison, Roderick Impey
Stainton, Henry T.
Weyer, Sylvain van de
Wellcome, Henry S.
Ščerbakivsʹkyj, Vadym Mychajlovyč
Rothschild, Samson
Buchthal, Hugo
Creswell, Keppel A. C.
Levy, Gertrude Rachel
Woolley, Katharine
Birch, Samuel
Ehrenberg, Victor
Ehrenberg, Eva
Cole, Henry
Morel, Willy
Edwards, Iorwerth E. S.
Mellaart, James
Goodchild, Richard G.
Schenk, Elizabeth
Latham, Robert Gordon
Layard, Austen Henry
Freud, Sigmund

Ort des Kongresses

International Medical Congress (1898 : London)
International Congress of Historical Science (4 : 1913 : London)
International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology (3 : 1868 : Norwich; London)
Conference on the Mesolithic in North-West Europe (1976 : London)
International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (1 : 1932 : London)