Digital Infrastructure

Digital Infrastructure

The technical basis for the sample template Buildings and their Equipment (BAFO) is the virtual research environment WissKI (Wissenschaftliche Kommunikationsinfrastruktur1), which consists of several extensions for the open source content management system Drupal, as well as a triple store. The WissKI core extensions are WissKI Core, SPARQL1.1 Adapter with Pathbuilder, Pathbuilder, Store Abstraction Layer Zero, Linkblock and Authority Files. For the standards data connections, the WissKI DNB GND Apdater, WissKI Geonames Adapter and the UBHD WissKI Adapter for Getty AAT developed with the cooperation partner Heidelberg are used. Map visualization of the locations is enabled using WissKI Geofield in combination with Geofield and Leaflet. For the layout WissKI Layout was used in combination with WissKI Theme Content Types and Alternative WissKI Navigate Page (see menu "Browse"). In addition, a WissKI extension for dating (Wisski Date Field Extractor) was developed with the cooperation partner Heidelberg.

This instance runs with WissKI version 3.8 and Drupal version 9.4.x. After initially using RDF4J, GraphDB from ontotext is now used as the triple store.

Dating using WissKI Date Field Extractor

In order to be able to offer the dating syntax from the MIDAS (Marburg Information, Documentation and Administration System) rules of Foto Marburg, which is widely used in art history and which allows for uncertain or incomplete date information, to the capturers in WissKI, the extension "WissKI Date Field Extractor" was developed by the Heidelberg partner.

It is based on two international standards, on the one hand the MIDAS standard, on the other hand the "Extended Date/Time Format" (EDTF) of the Library of Congress. The module provides a field type for Drupal for each of the two standards, which extracts at least one year from a date, which can also be verbal, uncertain or incomplete, and enters it into its own fields. Thus, the graph database permanently stores the information as which year range an input exactly defines itself, and these explicit year specifications can be used for the targeted search within the resource. Example: The module generates for the input "17th century" in appropriately modeled data fields the two years "1601" and "1700". A building that records this verbal date as its date of origin will be found in the WissKI instance with a search for all buildings potentially built around the year 1640.

Which MIDAS verbal datings are converted by means of this extension how, they can read among other things in the writing instruction for datings.


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1 Scientific Communication Infrastructure